Sunday, October 21, 2007

everything has to be new...

OK... some comments said tht i should pump up my font size... comment nodded with thanks...

anyway... as you all know... i jus visited the entertainment hub of Malaysia... and stayed in bukit bintang area... a place where the malaysian's youngsters' fashion evolved... well... got frost bitten by the enviroment around me... and well went on to a shopping spree for cloths... Now that's a first one for me... as i was never a fashion cautious guy... rather a pair of denim and one t-shirts would jus be enough for me to go jus about anywhere... more than tht... one long-sleeved shirt would be jus fine...

ok... i pierced my ear... and bought RM70 worth of assorted lastest design earrings... not enough? a sut around RM120 for tht... and a shirt RM70... and a pair of denim, RM100... all these in jus one night... and well... the list goes further on the second night and i would wan to talk about it now... feeling regretful of the shopping spree... but oh well on the other hand, this is the first time i went for a shopping spree for my attire!!! and it feels great... dunno why... haha... looking forward for a trip like this again in fact...

anyway... ever heard your parents nagging at you about study now and next time the good life will come and you will enjoy life after your studies? well not true!!! after our study years, we will step into the marketplace working day in day out... for a living, after a few years.. you get married or have a family and you got your children plus your work to worry about... after your children are grown up, you got their college to fund and well there.. another worry comes... and after another few years,.. you got old and retire... ok... now you have a good length of time to hav fun and do things you always dreamt of... but well guess what.. you are too old for those activities you dreamt of now...

period... i think when you start to look at life tht way... its going to be miserable... productivity starts to go down... try to look at it from a different view... working life isn't so bad... you have annual holidays... good jobs pay you enough till the extend they will make a family vacation affordable for you... tht is jus one of the benefits you get... a lot more up in the chess... jus need to study now and work for the best...

well then to all tht are having exams soon... or struggling in their studies... keep up the good work... and good things will come... haha... just don't forget about me and friends...

cheers to all...

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