Tuesday, January 15, 2008

a view of my lovely school...

now probably my friends had been listening to my complaints about my college... and well this is a documentaries about its setting... just a part of it... not all... i will try to get a chopper view of the other side... jus wait and see... for now...


the majestic field where we called it "Astaka".... whatever that means... (",)... anyway this was taken at mid day so there is no people around the track jogging and working out... if this is taken in the evening, then you can see ladies jogging around with their tits bouncing... haha... and of course boys showing off their latest jogging sneaks...

the view of the "sick" dorm... not exactly my dorm area but this is the poor lecturer's who had to suffer the problematic "insufficient water problem"... while on top of the stupid problem... the school is jus 1 mile away from the water source of the ISLAND... but oh well... its good to had those grown-ups suffer along so they know about our problems but... nothing-done....

actually was trying to take the mosque view... but then this is the best i could do from the tallest building in the school... well as you can see in the school the infrastructure of the school is top class... if only i could get hold of a car here... or better still drive my own car here to school.... haha... but that is pathetically impossible to do here, as it's against the school rules...

the car-park right till the main entrance... and also the Astaka I mentioned earlier... now this is a part of the walk I had to take before I endure the blazing sun, waiting for "mini-bus" to come and bring me downtown... anyway... there are guard at the entrance but expect only craps from them about the latest updates of the school "outting" rules...

this is the little pond just beside the tallest building... this is the part where students usually wait for the time for the lecturer to finally come back from their business... or celebrate a special occasion or just hang out... anyway i have never been there... haha... i prefer some place with food...

ok thts all for now...



ivan said...

No comments in ages? Poor thing :D

cillypig said...

hehe.. now then i see how ur sch looks like. it's realli like a sch. n it's better than how i tot tat sch was. hehe..

need for stay thr for another year, so try to like it. u will find tat life goes easier in tat way.

happy birthday!!! ^^